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Thinking Out Loud

"the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level  of thinking we were at when we created them, the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your  sources,  imagination is more important than knowledge..." -- Albert Einstein

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If truly we are leaders of tomorrow, 
then our problem should be a top priority to them. 
   "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future", then that leaves them with being the leader and decision makers of tomorrow. There are countless issues surrounding the growth of the youth of nowadays which am a part of, from negligence on the path of the parents to the ignorance of our leaders, which i stand to be corrected isn't meant for the good of our future. 
Just as the popular saying goes,
   Most youths are exposed at an early age to problems bigger than their thoughts and are left to decide on issues that could make or break them alone. It would have been a different scenario may be if our environment had been tolerant towards their growth. Nowadays we have a lot of bad vibes around, available to youths of various age group, these go a long way in influencing them negatively and the fact that it has become a norm in the society, they tend to dance to the tune of its destruction.
   I might be lucky enough to avoid most of these societal vibes, as well my readers, but in truth, not all we can escape from and millions of children out there might not be that opportune like me and you. Most of them are being exposed right from home and open to the harsh reality at a young age, the last thing they need is a destructive critic from the so called upper class.

Well here are few issues i highlighted to be affecting the youth of today:
  • SINGLE PARENTING: The absence of diligent parental guidance, care and nurturing goes a long way in shaping lives of children. They get exposed to all sort of bad vibes at a young age, subject to early drop-out of school, sexual abuse, drug, and alcohol becomes a way out of boredom and stress.
  • DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE: The media has done their bit in trying to educate children about its risk of destruction, but one thing is to watch another is to learn. By portraying it as a norm in some aspect, while lacking a physical presence to direct their way, a youthful mind tends to grow up with the habit of 'everything has a first time'. Going by the stats, "21% of high school seniors tend to get high, while 41% of the same group report drinking alcohol",  this results in them taking drugs and abusing alcohol, as dangerous as it is to their health, the society portray it as a normal thing that should be done at some point in our life.
  • FAST GROWTH: Most youths of nowadays developing rapidly, faster than their age tells on paper, they tend to partake in adult activities at a very young age, due to their fast maturity look-alike. They tend to think ahead of themselves and own their space while thinking they are matured enough to handle their mistakes, this exposes them at an early age to all sort of societal trowel that is just too hard for them to contain. Instead of leaving them to their issues, parents and the society at large should try as much to protect their fragile mindset and nurse them to the good path.

  •  EDUCATIONAL DISPARITY: The imbalance in educational distribution, makes case for its scrutiny. It makes it hard to receive the same quality of education due to racial differences, financial status, and enlightenment. While some children receive lectures in a well-organized area with security efficiency, others study with fear and lack the same quality dished out to their pairs.
    • WANNA BE: The impact of celebrity influence on youths of nowadays is not to be underestimated. We tend to follow the trend and vibes released by the public figures in power, from entertainment to politics sector. Perhaps if those people in power and significant post could use their status in propagating good morals and societal vibes, make the growing youth learn from them, this could make way for a different mentality shared amongst youth. 
    • POVERTY: Possibly the greatest of all, it stems out from a lot of deficiencies in the so called system, Un-employment rate, Corruption, Injustice, to mention few. This cast a shadow over the well-being of our future as a youth and create an atmosphere lacking equity in cash flow, the rich getting richer, while the poor fighting hard to survive the storm with their future hanging with thread.
    There are many more issues affecting the growth of youths aside the above mentioned, but if the system could be altered with the future of youths on their minds then we should rest assured of securing a brighter future for them. At least 4 out of every 10 youths, get influenced badly in the early 90s, but the waves have changed dramatically since the turn of the century, now out of every 10, there is a possibility of 9 being negatively influenced by the societal vibes. If truly we are leaders of tomorrow, then our problem should be a top priority to them.

    Based on an article on Prezi.com, and personal findings.

    feel free to comment and share your views on the aforementioned issues....



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