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Thinking Out Loud

"the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level  of thinking we were at when we created them, the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your  sources,  imagination is more important than knowledge..." -- Albert Einstein

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FREEDOM: is "To ask for Nothing
                                            To expect Nothing
                                                            To depend on Nothing"
That is the true definition of being free, but what freedom do you crave? 
"When given an opportunity, 
deliver excellence and never quit"
  • Of Speech and Expression?
  • From Economic Dependence?
  • Or of Choice?
Maybe you can start by checking yourself for what put you in such slavery, what made you think you can't be free, what makes you think you can't live without Him/Her. Or perhaps why you are still in? why can't you leave?, why you are so dependent on a shoulder without you being able to lift yours?, Yourself!!!.

Every human has a limit of tolerance, the earlier you start thinking out of the box, the better. Only a man does things just to get payback, does things to be able to brag about it, does things to own you later, but God is a different being. As the saying goes, "get close to God first, before getting close to a man, because God without man is still God, but a man is nothing without Him", Man no God.

So how do you own yourself and be in control of the future? Self-Reliance!!!. Below are steps you can take to gain your Freedom.


  •    Assume Responsibility:  Probably the main cog in the machine, you have to start taking responsibility for both what you do and what you want. As American film producer Robert Rodriguez once said, "When given an opportunity, deliver excellence and never quit". Stop depending on other people's means, create yours. Take the blame for your mistakes and don't shy away from corrections, learn to do things yourself no matter the stress. You’ll feel the burden of weighing a hard decision and accepting the consequences, even if they’re not favorable to you. You’ll often go un-praised and un-rewarded for being responsible. Honestly, it is at times really hard, but it's probably the best gift you can give yourself because what it gives is that satisfactory confidence in your ability.
    •    Be Informed:  You probably won't be able to go far with taking on responsibilities without its nitty gritty. Get more facts and information about the particular task you are planning to take on, in the process, know where to find it and what to do with it afterward. This helps your confidence a lot, as it always gives you an edge over your peers. Moreover, expression of your ideas and listening to other people talk about theirs as explained in my last article also goes a long way to improving your know-how. And perhaps you've got little excuse with the presence of internet there to enlighten you on possibly everything.
    •    Find your Bearing: The next step is to set a goal, be a goal chaser, don't be intimidated by the size of your dream, be focused on how to reach it. A self-reliant individual set out his/her aims without leaving rooms for an excuse, he is autonomous and doesn't overly rely on people to validate his decisions, because failure begins with a faulty heart. Know where you are going and lastly take and heed to advice especially if coming from experience.
    •    Make your Decisions: Finally, it is of general knowledge that life is far less stressful when you learn to make your own decision, even though I learned it the hard way. Be brave to put your neck on the line for what you believe in, your principle, just like the popular saying goes, "I would rather die than change my principle". It is risky, but if going by the information you have acquired from above and of which you have good faith in, then your choice should be your responsibility.
    Some recommended books of your interest:

    You can also take a time to watch this short clip from 1951 Development of Self-Reliance (Coronet Instructional Film) as it will help you in understanding this article better.

    (Based on a 2012 article Developing a Self-Reliant Mentality by Brett & Kate McKay 'The Art of Manliness').

    comment below if you have any other suggestions or remarks on what step to take to be self-reliant...Thank you.



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