"the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them, the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources, imagination is more important than knowledge..." -- Albert Einstein
What about the time you cracked her up all night? , tell stories about the old fat cow, cinemas, shopping, or when you take it upon yourself to learn her hubby.
What about the good times? dinner dates, light out moments, and all other things you share all in the name of love, gone?!!!.
You melt her heart with the sweetest of words, took her from the zeros to an Amazon which you know within yourself you can't maintain. Then jealousy sets in, you can't cope with her fast rising confidence in herself, in her powers, in her ability to be a woman and as well a man, she is be
coming a threat to your supremacy.
According to a report on UKessays, domestic violence was causal in 20% of nonfatal violence directed against women. A 2002 study reports that 29% of women go through intimate partner violence during their lifetime. Every year approximately 1.5 million intimate partner rapes and physical assaults are perpetrated against women, and approximately 800,000 are committed against men (Burnett, 2009).
coming a threat to your supremacy.
Even though we all know ladies too have their fault in a way, their tongues are their deadliest weapon, probably knowing a better way to make use of it would go a long way in curbing this nuisance. A lot of ladies don't make it out alive, a lot alive but never remain the same, you might not be lucky for long, it's not by force, Let Him Go.
Moreover, is hitting her the way forward? , fine!!, you hit her, beat her, threw her to the floor, tore her cloth in front of the kids, verbally abuse her, then what? , what next? , Shame On You!!!. I thought you gonna chew her alive, or bury her, you've got no balls man!. cuz real men don't Hit, real men don't come down to the level of inhumane atrocities you doing. What happens to the dialogue? , communication between you two, why don't you talk it out? , find a way to forgive and forget ..if you claim to love her, cuz that's what real men do.
Perhaps, there are lots of ways to avoid Domestic Violence in our homes and make better life out of our relationships;
EGO MANAGEMENT (sorry and please): As hard as it is to say these two words, you might have to learn how to say them whenever you are at fault or even otherwise. A lot of unions have been broken because of the Ego both man and woman displays in the house, we both deserve the right to be heard but she is soft, remember? and doing these doesn't take anything away from your supremacy in the house, if women do these things a lot at the expense of their ego, then why not try doing it also and see how magical it works. As the popular saying goes " Ego is the only requirement needed to destroy a relationship, so be a man, skip the 'E' and let it 'Go'.
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fine!!, you hit her, abuse her,
tore her cloth in front of the kids,
then what? what next? , Shame On You!!!.
Knowing these simple guidelines and putting them into practice could go a long way to solving and already existing or impending dispute. Seeing women standing firm against on social medias this shows how long we've come and if you find yourself in such situation, Recognize, Resist and Report but if Push Comes to Shove, don't forget, "Let Him Go".
Domestic violence is a punishable offense under the law!! STOP IT!!!...
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