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Thinking Out Loud

"the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level  of thinking we were at when we created them, the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your  sources,  imagination is more important than knowledge..." -- Albert Einstein

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ABIGAIL : a story about CHILD TRAFFICKING (Final Part)


"But I knew we were all shedding tears of happiness, 
the kind you get when you know finally and certainly
you are free and maybe you can begin to move on"
Marcello Don Ricco. That's his name, I have become so familiar with it that I think it in my sleep. As I eat, as I shower. According to my intel, he is an amateur drug lord, a bit notorious but nothing too serious to put him on the police radar. 
I bite into a baked potato as I wait patiently for Officer Micheal, the officer they that came baring my medical reports. After I came across this interesting piece of information, It was only logical I let the police aware and get them involved, so I rung him up and told him we should meet as I had something important to discuss with him.
‘HEY!! Afternoon’ A shadow exclaims making me drop my fork and spilling sauce on my shirt, I looked up to give whoever it was a piece of my mind only to realize the shadow belonged to Micheal
‘Oh, hey. Afternoon to you too, please do have a sit’ I timidly respond, glad to see he was not taking my little embarrassing stunt funny.
‘You already ordered I see’ he mentions taking a glance at my almost empty plate of food.
‘pardon my manners, I had a rough start and was so hungry. Hope it's not a problem though?’ I sincerely hoped he wasn't one of those overly polite people who took things like these to heart.
‘Whhatt!! No way something like this could be a problem’ he replies and I heave a sigh of relief. I watch him as he settles in and calls for a waiter who took his salad and sparkle water order. 
‘so what great thing are we discussing today Abigail?’ he states playfully, but from his stance I know he wasn't finding anything playful and he’d rather be anywhere but here. It made doubt if coming to him was an excellent idea after all. Regardless of my sudden doubt, I fish for the brown envelope that holds all my researched information on Marcello Don Ricco from my handbag and dropped it on the table in front of him. It was already too late to back out now.

‘what is this?’ he asks, I can see I am getting his attention now, but not enough.
‘Why don't you open it?’ I responded. Then sat back and watched as he picks the envelope up. He throws me a skeptical look then moves on to open it. He is quiet for a while as he flies through the information I have given him, he barely even acknowledges the waitress as she drops his meal by his side. With nothing better to do than to watch him, I watched as various expressions cross his face as he keeps reading. At a point, he reaches for his meal and takes a forkful and sips on his water, and it was fascinating to watch him do that, well I thought so till I heard him say
‘Well, this is total bullshit’ and he slides the whole document away as if repulsed by them.
‘what did you say? How exactly is this bullshit?’ I am enraged, of all the possible outcome I never thought he would call my hard work bluff.
‘I mean Abigail, this is all good research and all but how exactly are we certain they are real? Where did all these information come from?’ he questions as he concentrates solely on eating his salad.
‘I found people, who know people, who know other people that are in his circle’ I reply
‘That is not legal information, I can't send a whole police team out to get a man based on information you most probably paid to get’
‘But it's legit and accurate’ I defended
‘It could be and it could also be false. It is a risky bet. There it says he’ll fly in from Moscow in three days time. I can’t have my whole team waiting out for him based on this. I mean, what if it's false?’ he asks again and I sink deeper in my disappointment. I had nothing more to tell him so I decided to leave
‘Well, I tried, I am leaving you the envelope in case you change your mind. And I am determined to get to him with or without your help, I do not care what it takes’ I say dropping a twenty on the table as I slide out of my chair.
‘What does that mean Abigail?’
‘well, it means what it means. I also forgot to mention, I know people, who know people that could do certain things’ I answered and after a second thought added ‘who knows, maybe I could do certain things myself, especially when it is to the guy who ruined my life’
‘If it's what I think you’re going to do, then don’t do it. Don't do anything stupid’
‘only you would call getting my life back stupid. But what do I know, to each man his cake yes?. Thanks for meeting up with me officer but I really need to go’ I say turning to leave, it was a beautiful day, and hopefully, it is going to be this beautiful three days from now, when Marcello Don Ricco would no longer be a problem anymore.

I am in all black, I can feel my blood burning through my vein. I have never been this high on adrenaline before, but I need this. By exactly 10 pm Ricco would be arriving at his hotel, that is two hours from now. By 10:45 pm he would be settled in, by 11:00 pm he would either be ordering his dinner or going out for dinner it all depends on the preference of his present lady friend Christina. But it's less likely he goes out to dinner, I have my intel right to the comma and I dare not make any wrong move. I should be out of my house in 20 minutes in order to beat traffic and arrive at the hotel at least 30 minutes to 10 pm.
I have it all mapped out that is until I walk down the stairs to find my family entertaining Micheal. Oh!! The nerve of him. It got worse when my mother spoke
‘Abby, hurry, come down. We will be having dinner with the officer today-
‘No ma'am, just Micheal. I am here as Michael’ He interrupts. 
‘Oh look at him, isn’t he charming? Abby did you know he’s also a Jew? Just like us’ she is beaming so hard and I see he has my mum wrapped around his fingers.
I ignore her and look at him ‘so what brings you here, Micheal’ I emphasize on his name since clearly, we are on first name basis now.
‘I just thought there was nothing wrong with paying a little visit to assure you all that the police is still on the case, and your mum offered me dinner invitation, who am I to decline’ he answers oh so innocently
‘I see, that's really sweet of you. So you couldn't come yesterday or tomorrow, it had to be today?’ I retorted
‘Abby!! Don't be so rude. He is doing us all a favor’ my mum says clearly buying his bullshit, something I wasn't doing
‘You are right mum, sorry Micheal’ I sarcastically mention
‘Everyone, dinner!!’ My mum calls, and everyone who was quietly seeing the whole exchange started to leave in the direction of the kitchen. I was about to join them but Micheal stepped in front of me blocking my way. When everyone had successfully moved to the kitchen, he turned and pulled me close until he was able to get to the gun holster I strapped on and withdrew my gun.
‘do I need to search you, or will you hand any other weapon over?’ he asks
I bent over and pulled out the knife from my socks and passed it over ‘Why are you doing this?’ 
‘what? Dinner? I am hungry, plus I really do not intend on ordering food tonight’ he responds feigning ignorance. He keeps the knife and gun with him and retreats to the kitchen
‘You deserve a special place in hell’ I called after him
‘Well isn't it sad for you that you’re not God then?’ 
I look at my wrist watch, I was already 10 minutes behind schedule and I had no trick up my sleeves to aid me missing dinner. Even if I did, I had no weapon I could use. So I had no choice but to have dinner.
We had moved onto desserts, well they have I have not been able to take more than a couple mouthfuls. And I wasn't listening to Micheal telling my family some random story which could possibly be a lie for all I care. We were still on the dining table when Micheal’s phone rang and he excused himself to answer it and when he came back in we all knew something serious had happened. We were all quiet as we watched him, guessing if it was our place to know or if he would excuse himself.
‘Abigail, we have just brought in the person responsible for what happened to you’ he says looking at me. I stay silent for a while waiting for him to laugh in my face and say he was joking, but he doesn't. Beside me, my sister exclaims.
‘Marcello?’ I ask.
‘No, his boss. The person really responsible for it all’ he answers ‘I need to get back to the office, I will bring you in later tomorrow alright?’ he adds.
'But how?' I question again
'I'll fill you in later, I do really need to go though' he replies
He goes over to my mum and gives her a hug, same with my sister he sends a nod the men's direction and walks up to me, he squats to my eye level and when I think he was going to do something else he whispers ‘I am really glad you didn’t do it, and your gun stays with me’ he rises to his full length and starts to leave, just before he leaves I shout a ‘Thank you’ behind his back and he responds with an ‘anytime’.
We were still all quiet after he left, it was the tears falling from my mother and sister’s eyes that made me aware of mine. But I knew we were all shedding tears of happiness, the kind you get when you know finally and certainly you are free and maybe you can begin to move on. Maybe.

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