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Thinking Out Loud

"the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level  of thinking we were at when we created them, the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your  sources,  imagination is more important than knowledge..." -- Albert Einstein

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"fire knows little about the face of its creator,
once ignited,

it burns without the conscience of its consequence"
    We are humans after all, and we all have the tendency to lose it at any time. We get provoked by friends and families, surprisingly according to general stats, you tend to get more pissed at people closer to you than those outside your clique. Anger mode is probably the next and easiest thing to switch to, when we feel uncomfortable with someone or at a place, or the common ideas of when a guy has to cover up a trace tacked by his miss.
    But as much as you have the right to exercise your inner frustrations and displeasure, you shouldn't lose your sense of reasoning towards reality. 'She pissed you off and you got uncontrollably mad all of a sudden, then what next? , picking up the pieces of
its damage? the deed would have been done when your face becomes clear, and there are few things you can do to turn back time.
"all of a sudden the lyrics in your head turns
'all eyes on me'"
   So here is my take, whenever you feel the pressure from within to unleash 'the beast mode', as hard as it might be, remember that fire knows little about the face of its creator, once ignited, it burns without the conscience of its consequence.
    Perhaps, this occurs mostly in youths at a certain age, where you feel the need to own your space, the need to have a say, the need to command respect, and this only paves way for an arrogant inner pressure. Things around you start to make you sick, your siblings become too sluggish for your pace, your parents become too wicked towards you, your uncles or aunt becomes too bossy for your comfort, and all of a sudden the lyrics in your head turns 'all eyes on me'.
    Well, you need to take a chill pill and let me take you on a journey of rehab, if it works for you, then definitely could do the same for you.
    "The fact that you don't speak doesn't make you stupid,
    you just showed your level of maturity,
    because with more words comes more rage"
  • GUARD YOUR WORDS: A lot of times we want to pour it out hot and get the attention we crave from the person who got us emotionally negative, we tend to speak more of our wounds and make sure we don't allow a single word remain unsaid. What about if we just pause a bit and try as hard as it is to speak but not to hurt, to talk but not to insult, protecting your utterance is the first step to bringing down the spirit of your anger which involves hard feelings. The fact that you don't speak doesn't make you stupid, you just showed your level of maturity, because with more words comes more rage. And can you pick up a spilled word?.
  • TAKE A WALK: Leaving the scene of the drama almost immediately and try taking a walk around nature is probably the best antidote, as it works for almost all age groups and persona. It makes you avoid getting violent and contact with the offender and the sight of mother nature comes at a please to the eye and soul. This works for me a lot, taking a walk around eases the tension distance brings towards you, tho it comes at a price, you feel angrier at yourself for not getting mad at the offender, which if you ask me is a better option than leaving a regret. 
"this works for me a lot,
taking a walk around eases the tension distance brings towards you"
  • HAVE LISTENING EARS: If there is one aspect anger hates approaching, then its Respect. At the peak of your powers, feeling the rage and anger towards someone, you don't even care about an existing cordial respect you both share, all you wanna do is smash some cups yh? Well, you might as well want to give listening ears to their acclaim, make sure you don't just go into flames and fight arrogantly without being a better judge of the situation. It's as hard as it sounds, but mastering that gives some justification towards your anger and can as well quench them forever.

  •  ENDEAVOR TO LEARN: Most cases of anger are either related to arrogance or ignorance. We get unnecessarily upset at something we know little about it details and assumed the chair of arrogance to cover up our ignorance. When you start to learn and know about certain people in your life, what they've been through and their feelings, the thirst of anger immediately becomes a forgone idea.
"a lot of times anger issues are brought about
by issues from the past that never quite healed."
    Moreover, learning to forgive and forget also goes a long way in healing wounds of anger, because a lot of times anger issues are brought about by issues from the past that never quite healed.
In case of such, have a dialogue with the offender, air your worries moderately and settle the scores maturely to avoid malice, and afterwards both parties should drink a glass of water and mind their respective business,lol.
    So there you have it guys, trust me many more personal ways can be implemented to fight against one's will to rage and go flames, but up there are few from my archives and i hope it works for you.

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